Archive for 2010


Hal-hal Yang Perlu Diketahui Pemelihara Kucing

Hal-hal Yang Perlu Diketahui Pemelihara Kucing

Memelihara kucing kelihatannya mudah, akan tetapi ada beberapa hal penting yang mungkin perlu diketahui atau dihindari oleh para pemelihara kucing.
  1. Sebaiknya hindari pemberian susu atau cream pada kucing. Di dalam susu atau cream kemungkinan terdapat kandungan gula yang sebenarnya tidak dibutuhkan oleh seekor kucing. Gula yang tidak dibutuhkan tersebut dapat menyebabkan kucing mengalami gangguan pencernaan seperti diarrhea.
  2. Pada umur 6 bulan, seekor kucing dapat dikategorikan sebagai kucing dewasa meski sebenarnya masih bisa bertumbuh sampai umur satu tahun. Oleh karena cukup pendeknya masa pertumbuhan pada kucing, sebaiknya diberikan makanan yang baik pada saat kucing masih dalam masa pertumbuhan.
  3. Anak kucing membutuhkan protein 3 kali lebih banyak dibandingkan kucing dewasa. Akan tetapi pemberian makan pada anak kucing sebaiknya tidak berlebihan.
  4. Penyediaan air minum yang bersih amat penting. Tempat minum yang digunakan harus benar-benar bersih dan tidak mengandung sabun cuci. Tempat minum yang tercemar oleh sabun dapat menyebabkan kucing menderita diarrhea.
  5. Anak kucing memerlukan tidur kurang lebih 16 sampai 18 jam dalam sehari. Jadi apabila anak kucing anda sedang tidur, biarkanlah mereka tidur. Menurut para ahli, sebenarnya kucing tidurnya tidak terlalu nyenyak. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan waktu tidur yang lama sebagai penggantinya.
  6. Seekor anak kucing biasanya suka untuk bermain. Sewaktu mereka masih kecil, merupakan waktu yang tepat untuk mengajarkan mereka hal-hal yang anda inginkan. Pada saat anak kucing itu masih kecil, apa yang diajarkan oleh pemilik akan membentuk sifat dasar dari kucing tersebut. Sebagai contoh, bila anak kucing tersebut sering diajak bermain saat masih kecil, sampai dewasa sifat kucing tersebut akan periang dan suka bermain. Kasih sayang yang anda berikan juga akan berperan dalam membentuk sifat dasar kucing serta menentukan erat tidaknya hubungannya dengan anda.
  7. Hati-hati apabila kucing anda bermain-main dengan kain atau benang. Hal ini dapat membahayakan keselamatan si kucing karena mereka suka menggigitnya atau bahkan memungkinkan termakan olehnya.
  8. Jangan sekali-kali memukul kucing apabila ia melakukan kesalahan. Hal ini dapat memberikan dampat yang amat serius pada emosi serta kesehatan kucing anda. Membentak ataupun memukul kucing hanya akan menakutkan si kucing tanpa menyelesaikan masalah yang sesungguhnya. Jangan pernah berpikir bahwa dengan memukul atau membentak akan menimbulkan perasaan bersalah pada si kucing. Pada saat si kucing lari saat dibentak atau dipukul, sebenarnya kucing itu tidak merasa bersalah akan tetapi hanya karena ketakutan.

Source : Di ambil dari beberapa sumber.


Perawatan Bulu dan Kulit

Perawatan Bulu dan Kulit

Perawatan bulu dan kulit adalah sangat penting, agar bulu kucing tetap rapi dan selalu sehat dari serangan penyakit kulit.

Sebaiknya bulu kucing selalu disisiri (dengan sisir yang khusus untuk kucing) setiap hari, terutama untuk kucing yang memiliki bulu panjang. Ada beberapa jenis sisir yang ada di pasaran, yaitu untuk merapikan bulu dan untuk membuang kutu. Gunakan jenis sisir tersebut sesuai dengan kebutuhan.

Setiap 10 hari atau 14 hari sekali, sebaiknya kucing dimandikan dengan menggunakan air hangat dan shampo (khusus kucing). Memandikannya sebaiknya di kamar mandi, dengan menggunakan gayung (biasanya jika menggunakan pancuran, akan membuat kucing menjadi susah diatur).

Setelah memandikan, keringkan sampai setengah kering dengan menggunakan handuk, dan lalu dijemur di bawah sinar matahari sampai hampir kering. Pengeringan bulu selanjutnya dengan menggunakan hair dryer sambil disisiri.(ed)


Fur and Skin Care for Cats

Fur and Skin Care
Hair and skin care is very important, so keep cat hair is always neat and healthy from the disease attacks the skin.
We recommend that you always disisiri cat fur (with a special comb for cats) every day, especially for cats who have long hair. There are several types of combs on the market, ie to straighten hair and to get rid of lice. Use a comb type according to need.
Every 10 days or 14 days, cats should be bathed with warm water and shampoo (especially cats). Should bathe in the bathroom, using a scoop (usually when using the shower, will make a cat become unruly.)
After bathing, dry to semi dry with a towel, and then dried in the sun till nearly dry. Hair drying followed by using a hair dryer while combed


10 Most Popular Cat Race

Cats are creatures of the most beautiful in the world. They are the most loved pets in the household and the environment. Cats, also known as the domestic cat or a housecat to distinguish it from other cats and felids, is a small carnivorous mammal that is valued by humans for companionship and its ability to hunt vermin and pests of the household. Cats have been associated with humans for at least 9500 years, and currently the most popular cat in the world. when making the decision to have a pet, you first decide what kind you want. They're funny, kind, and is considered safe around children. Actually, cats are the easiest pets to own. Cats are perfect companions. They do not need a lot of owners. They just need to eat regularly. They also need shelter. is this some kind of cat cekidot ... ...

1. Persian cat

Persian is a cat with long hair that is marked with a round face and short muzzle. Universal ranked number one of the most popular type because it is very loving and loyal. One of the oldest race of cats, it takes its name from its original location, Persia (Iran). Recognized by the cat fancy since the late 19th century, was developed first by the British, and especially by American farmers after the Second World War. In Britain, it is called an artist or Persian classical music players. Although the Persians had a high price and need maintenance treatments every day, this is more than offset by the personality, but her hair can be a nightmare to maintain, sometimes growing up to 3 inches long! Persians require a comfortable environment to feel safe.

2. Siamese cat

Siamese is one of the first clearly recognized breeds of Oriental cat. Precise origin of the Siamese is unknown but believed to have come from Southeast Asia. Siamese breed standard of the Modern show an elegant, slim, stylish, flexible and muscular body. triangular-shaped head, with thin snout. Almond-shaped eyes and tilted. Short hair, shiny, soft, smooth, tight and adhered to the body. Siamese marked with a distinctive color scheme sharp. A Siamese cat always wants to be center of attention. They want to be noticed. Cats are very communicative, yowling in a hoarse voice for attention or just to talk to! They tend to be too noisy or cry a lot if you ignore it. They are slender and athletic with big ears. their fur is short and located close to their skin. They love to stroke, and very loyal and close to one person. They are very intelligent and loving ...

3. The Maine Coon cat

The Maine Coon accounted for a large bone structure, with a square body shape and body the long hair flowing. perberkembang breeding can be seen in various colors and are known for their intelligence. Maine Coons are one of the biggest races in the country. for male cats average weight of their body weight 12-18 pounds in females are usually 10-14. They're tough, gentle and loving with long hair but do not need much grooming as the Persian. kind of personality they will make them very safe with children. One will be a very loyal addition to the family.

4. Abyssinian cat

The Abyssinian is a type of pet cats with ticked coats is typical. There are many stories about its origins, often rolling in Egypt, but the actual origins are uncertain. The Abyssinian has become one of the most popular shorthair cat breeds in the United States. medium-length coat, dense, and soft to the touch. The Abyssinian has a coat that is not unusual enough to attract attention. Each hair has a primary color with three or four dark-colored ribbon, hair is a lighter color on the roots, and dark "ticking" of color at the tip. Abyssinians are very active, busy and funny, and they love people.

5. Ragdoll cat

The Ragdoll is one of the biggest race of cats with a solid body, frame and proportionately large feet. This cat breed with blue eyes and coat colorpoint different. This is a semi-artist cat big and muscular with hair that is soft and smooth. Developed by the controversial American breeder Ann Baker, who is best known as a docile and calm temperament and affectionate nature. The name "Ragdoll" is derived from the tendency of individuals from the original breeding stock limp and relax when picked up. They are very gentle, easy going and loving. They are perfect for any household. They were so tame that can be harmful to them is to go out of the house because they will not defend themselves if they attacked another animal.

6. The Exotic Cat

The Exotic Shorthair has a gentle and calm personality reminiscent of the Persians, but more alive than the long-haired ancestors. Want to know and love to play, the cat was friendly towards other cats and dogs. they rarely give voice meows. They do not like to be left alone, and needs the presence of the owner
(Or sound or smell reminiscent of masters such as radio continues). They tend to show more affection and loyalty than most breeds and make excellent lap cats. they are calm and stable nature makes them ideal apartment cats for city dwellers. Nonetheless, Exotics retain some of the ancestors of the energetic spark of their American Shorthair and they are often capable mouse hunters.

7. Savannah Cat

Savannah is considered one of the larger races of domesticated cats. Pasture height and slim build gives the display size is greater than their actual weight. This cat is a hybridization between domestic cats and serval. Savanna is generally compared with dogs in their loyalty, and they will follow their owners around the house like a dog. They also can be trained to walk on the rope, and even fetch. Savanna is reported as very social and friendly with new people and other cats and dogs, while others can run and hide or revert to hissing and growling when seeing a stranger. Exposure to other people and pets are most likely a key factor in the socialization process as the Savannah kitten grows. Savannah, do not have the temperament to be a problem associated with the base more timid cat and / or aggressive hybrid. Savannah is very curious, and have been known to get into all sorts of things. They often learn how to open doors and cabinets, Savannah is a cat who is not afraid of water and more people will play or even immerse themselves in water. Some owners even take a bath with their cats Savannah.

8. Burmese Cat

Burma considered a foreign shorthair in the United States. Received their eye color to breed it in their eyes the color of gold or yellow, although interbreeding with Siamese can cause blue or green. blue eyes or obvious ("aqua") eyes, are genetically possible in a pure Burmese cat. This is known as a glossy coat, with a satin-like finish. Like most short hair, does not require additional treatment. Burmese cats tend to be vocal like the Siamese. They could really bound and trust with their owners.

9. Manx Cat

The Manx is a kind of cat with a natural mutation of the spine. This mutation shortens the tail, resulting in a variety of long tail of tail-less normal. Many Manx have a longer "small" tail, but known as Manx cats completely tail-less, this is a distinguishing characteristic of the breed and a cat body type genetic mutation. The Manx said skilled hunters, known to take larger prey even when they were young. They are often sought by farmers with rodent problems. Hind legs of a Manx is longer than the front legs, creating a continuous arch from shoulders to buttocks cat gives a rounded appearance. Cat's ear is smaller than most and Manx breeds can come in any color, including Tortoise-shell, Tabby, Calico, and all solid coat color. A round shaped head, and often very expressive, with eyes and cute little nose.

10. Sphynx Cat

The Sphynx (also known as cats Canada Mexico) is a type of cat that is known for his lack of coat (fur). The Sphynx hairless cats seem, but not really hairy. Skin resembles the texture of Chamois leather. It may be covered with very short, fine hair, not like a peach. Because sphynx cats do not spray to keep them warm, huddle up against other animals and humans. They even tend to cuddle and sleep with their owners under a blanket. Lack of coat makes the cat touch.The quite warm on the skin is the color of their feathers, and all the usual cat marking patterns (solid, point, van, cat, tortie, etc) can be found in Sphynx skin. Because of the lack of feathers, Sphynxes require regular washing process because there is no fur to absorb the natural oils in their skin. Sphynxes known for their extroverted behavior. They display a high level of energy, intelligence, curiosity, and affection for owners.They they have unusually large eyes.


Basic Maintaining and Caring for Cats

Cat (Felis catus) have been merged pereadaaban humans for thousands of years. Cats once worshiped as gods (as in the days of ancient Egypt) and also once feared because of its relationship with the witch or a relationship with the devil (as in Masschussetts Salem during the witch trial) Now we can see what they really are. These animals are very responsive, intelligent adaptable in various environments.

Cats can become good friends because they are relatively more easily maintained and provide enjoyment for life.
With the increasing popularity of cats as pets comes a responsibility to look after them well. Responsibility to ensure that they receive food properly, have a good place to live and receive treatment by a veterinarian. Cats can live up to fifteen years. They have different personalities. There's the lonely and there is also a socializing. They tend to get some health problems and requires little maintenance other than routine maintenance.

Cats are carnivores which means they need a source of animal content such as meat, chicken or fish in their diet. No vegetables are best foods for cats. Without animal sources in their diet, they will lack nutrients and can endanger their lives.

When choosing a cat food, it is best to choose according to the age of the cat. Examples kittens should receive kitten food and adult cat food cat gets older. And also for cats who object body can utilize low-calorie foods. It is important to choose foods that complete and balanced nutrition.

There are several types of cat food are available: dry, half wet, and cans. Cat owners should be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of each type was through discussions with a veterinarian. New water should always be available. It's become an old story that the cat should be given milk, but quite the contrary milk can cause diarrhea in cats.

Every cat should be evaluated regularly by a veterinarian who is familiar with this species. Cats should be checked for health problems pontensial. Cats tend to have the same problem with humans. Cancer, kidney disease, heart disease and toothache was not an unusual thing anymore. As early as possible the problem is found, and rectified, the cat will respond positively. As cat owners, we must help maintain good health. Many cats are amenable to brush teeth regularly with toothpaste cat. They also should be examined for parasites which often attack the cat. The most obvious to the owner is a bug's ear (earmites) or flea (flea). Although there does not look like some sort of intestinal worms nesting in the stomach of cats and taking valuable nutrients. This problem must be treated and many effective drugs are available in the market. Cats who are allowed out of the house will be clearly more likely to hit by this parasite, or parasites may have evolved in the house.

Generally, it is advisable for cats sterilized and also called Spay / sterile for females and castrated / neuter for males. Sterilization is not only helpful in controlling the abandoned kittens, but also reduce the risk of problems associated with hybrid systems and behavioral problems associated with the opposite sex.

Female cat is also called the queen (queen), they are generally from sexually mature between 4 to 12 months. That are not sterilized female / spayed can produce children up to eight years or more. Male cats are called toms, generally become infertile from six and eight months and continues until 14 years or more. Most veterinarians recommend that cats to diseterilasi on or after six months despite opposition from several individuals regarding this issue. Cat owners who are interested in consulting iniharus thing to the vet at the time of first examination and vaccinations.

There are several cat disease to get vaccinated by a veterinarian. Feline rhinotracheitis, calici virus and panleukopenia (distemper) are really a deadly disease for cats are taxable. The disease is caused by a virus easily transmitted from cat to cat. How the virus can be carried by clothing when caring for cat owners cat sick. The vaccine is available also for other diseases such as rabies has become endemic in certain areas. So it is very important even for vaccinated cats in the house for this disease. There are several vaccines tersedida for other viral diseases, feline leukemia and feline infectious peritonitis, which is often found in outdoor, stray cats or multi-cat household. But this does not mean that indoor cats will not develop the disease. There is no effective treatment for this disease and should be prevented. It is important for cat owners to realize there are many diseases such as feline immuno-deficiency virus infection and when the cats affected by this disease, no vaccine or medicine currently available.

Also important for cat owners to understand that cats are very sensitive to some drugs and products in the home. Cats do not metabolize aspirin like people and should only be used under the supervision of a veterinarian. Acetaminophen (in Tylenol) will kill cats and percenaannya in an emergency. Also, products containing phenol, such as lysol must not be used around cats because of metabolizing these products. Some cats like antifreeze (antifreeze). Antifreeze containing ethylene glycol and if ingested will cause kidney failure if not treated promptly. The best thing is not wearing a questionable product around a cat until you've checked it with authority. Also, cats often eat plants, some can be toxic to cats. So better to give them sprouteed feed oats to snack on when they want to graze again.

Cats are often attracted to items that resemble a rope, they will take a needle and thread, rubber bands and similar materials. Some cats were also interested in electric cables. Therefore, it is important to keep these cats from the environment, or try to reduce their kedayatarikan against the cables. Routine cleaning promotes good sanitation behavior. Cat owners should also impose limits for their cats. If they are not allowed in a particular room or sharpening their claws on the furniture or chairs, it must be nurtured dilatihi since the first time the cat was maintained. It's easier to prevent problems rather than changing the behaviors that have become habits.


How to Take Care of Cats

Cats are one of many pet lovers interested persons up to a lot of these animals make special clubs and cat lovers. The aim of the club is usually to collect cats cat lovers around the world in one forum where they can then share their knowledge about their pet is, not infrequently they also held meetings among its members by organizing events such as paint unique fashion show .
But where is the origin of the actual animal name this cat? Here's a little general knowledge of cats.

Cat, scientific language is Felis silvestris-catus, is a kind of carnivore.
Cats have been mingled with human life at least since 3500 years ago, when ancient Egyptians used cats to keep rats or other rodents from the harvest. Currently, the cat is one of the most popular pet in the world. Cat lineage officially listed as a cat races or strains of pure (pure breed), such as Persian, Siamese, Manx, sphinx.
Cats like this are usually cultured in the maintenance of the official animal. Total cat race is just 1% of all cats in the world. The rest is a cat with feline crossbred cats wild or village.

Cats are considered as "carnivorous perfect" with the teeth and digestive tract in particular. Premolar and first molar teeth form a pair of tusks on each side of the mouth that works effectively as a pair of scissors to tear meat. Although this feature is also found on the family Canidae, or dogs, but this feature is better developed in cats.

Pet cat or house cat is one of the world's greatest predator. These cats can kill or take several thousand species. But because of their small size, the cat is not harmful to humans, the only danger that can arise is the possibility of rabies infection caused by cat bite.

Cats, including a clean animal. They often take care of themselves by licking their hair. Saliva or saliva, they are strong cleaning agents, but can trigger allergies in humans. Sometimes a cat vomit hairball or a curler that have collected in their stomachs.

Cats save energy by sleeping more often than any other animal. Cat sleep duration varies between 12-16 hours per day, with an average 13-14 hours. But it is not rare cat who slept for 20 hours in one day.
Many people who loved and cats as pets. In order for the appearance of our beloved cats stay fit and healthy need good care. However, many cat lovers who do not understand how to choose and care for her.

For you who are cat lovers, there are a few tips for you.
1. Cats are carnivores which means he needs an animal content sources such as meat, fish or yam in their diet. No one of the best vegetables for cats, with no animal sources in their diet, they will lack nutrients and can endanger their lives.

2. If you want to give the form of canned cat food, fine. But you must choose and adjust to the age of the cat. If you are still a small cat, give food to a small cat (kitten) and vice versa. For cats that have a corporate mind, give low-calorie foods.

3. There are several types of cat food are available: dry, half wet, and cans. New water should always be available. Do not be too much to give a cat milk, because it will cause diarrhea in cats.

4. Cats should be regularly evaluated by a veterinarian who is familiar with this species. Cats also have a variety of diseases similar to humans such as cancer, kidney, lung. Cats also frequently hit by parasites, therefore we must take care of cats, do not let the cat out of the house too long. Make a habit of brushing a cat wearing a cat toothpaste, so that his teeth are always healthy.

5. Generally, it is advisable to sterilize the cats. This is usually called the Spay / sterile for females and castrated / neuter for males. Cat owners who are interested in this should consult a veterinarian at the first examination and vaccinations. There are some diseases that cats get a vaccination.

6. It is important for cat owners to understand that cats are very sensitive to some drugs and products in the home. Cats can not metabolize aspirin. Acetaminophen (in Tylenol) will kill cats and digestion in an emergency. The best thing is not wearing a questionable product around a cat until you've checked it with authority. Also, cats often eat plants, some can be toxic to cats. So better to give them sprouteed feed oats to snack on when they want to graze again.

7. Cats are often attracted to items that resemble a rope, they will take a needle and thread, rubber bands and similar materials. Some were also interested in electric cable, therefore it is very important to distance from the neighborhood cats, or try to reduce it.

8. Cat owners should also impose limits for their cats. If they are not allowed in a particular room or sharpening their claws on the furniture or chairs, it must be nurtured trained since the first time the cat was maintained. It's easier to prevent problems rather than changing the behaviors that have become habits.


Pets cat 'predicts deaths Able "

Maybe people could never imagine anyone who can predict death, and may be difficult to explain that such phenomena exist in the real world.

But a cat named Oscar is said to have the ability to predict death. Oscar lived in Rehabilitation and Nursing Center Steere House in Providence, Rhode Island, as quoted from Xinhuanet-Oana.

The owner, Dr. David Sin, experts 'geriatrician' and assistant professor at Brown University, said the animal almost never makes a mistake and seems to prove that the rehabilitation center staff were repeatedly wrong.

"Geriatrician" is a doctor who specializes in treatment of persons aged 65 years and over.

When Oscar was about six months, the care staff noticed the cat would sleep in a circle near the patient will die. So far, the animals were always "right" to his predictions.

Sin remember one incident when the workers put the cat next to a woman who they expected to see an animal dying but it jumped into a room of other patients, who died a few days before the woman who allegedly was going to die.

Sin said there was no scientific evidence to explain the ability of an Oscar, but he guessed maybe a cat react to the "pheromone" or aroma that was not recognizable by humans.

Many scientists say the research activities related to such phenomena has been done and it was centered on efforts to gather talent for the benefit of mankind.


Caring for Pets Cats

persian-catPatience and compassion are key to maintain perliharaan.
Is it a cat, dog, bird or other animal.
Knowledge of anatomy and basic properties pets are also indispensable.
With enough knowledge will facilitate treatment and taking early action in case of physical changes. Illness for example.
Here are some steps and actions that need to be considered when deciding to keep the cat. Is it a cat or a local race.



It has become very nature, lazy cats, including animals and like to take advantage of opportunities in narrowness. Because of this nature do not often make the owner mad.

cats living creatures also need love and attention. Despite the adverse action taken by a cat does not need to anger and action in frontal teaching a cat to follow our wills. Here are the things that need to be considered in caring for cats:

1. Do not trigger angry if your cat urinate or defecate carelessly. To overcome this point the cat would defecate into a place that you want. Such as providing a box of sand. This step is not one way. Patience required to habit.
2. The cat will leave claw marks everywhere. Especially in the chair. No need to upset because this is one risk cats. To show his realm cat claws leave marks or smell of urine.
3. Provide special eating and drinking places in certain locations. If you are maintaining lebihdari one cat make sure each has a place to eat and drink and a different location. If you eat more than one place each cat confirm the same shape and color. Naturally, the cat will approach diperuntukkannya dining. Strive had given the same diet every day.
4. Cure feathers
5. Once every two weeks to do the cutting nails.
6. Continue to increase knowledge challenged cats.

Cats have a habit like eating fish. There are two types of fish are eligible provided:

1. White fish, fish that have a similar nutrient composition of meat with no fat (2 percent).
2. Berminya fish, is fish that contain more fat and have lots of vitamins A and D are high. An example is the tuna. If given too much oily fish will cause obesity.
3. Try baked fish that are supplied.

Old cat


cat stress level is directly proportional to age. The older the higher the stress level. Note below can be used as a Reference in reducing stress cat levels older:

1. Give the base (sacks or blankets) on the cat's favorite bed.
2. Old cats usually do not like to eat, because of the swelling of the gums and teeth. Better food and drink provided in a warm state.
3. The older, more and more sleeping cat activity. Therefore do not be too much to feed. Too much food will cause obesity. When you need to teach your diet.
4. Perform routine medical examination. Especially the teeth-gum health and blood. Do not forget to give vaccinations.
5. If you are traveling and cats left at home try to stay there who cared for him.

When Sick
Like humans cats also will sick even though we're taking care very well. One of the main points in care is knowing when experiencing health problems. BYaitu to see signs of a sick cat. The signs are the same for any cat persian cat, Angora cat or other cats and is also equally good young kitten or older cat.

The following characteristics are sick cat (a local cat, Persian, Angora): kucing_abu2

1. Fatigue and flagging
2. Excessive head shaking
3. Appetite decreased or increased even faster
4. Excessive water consumption
5. The presence of abnormal fluid coming out of cat's eyes, nose, ears, etc..
6. Difficult to remove dirt
7. Weight loss can be increased or decreased in bull run
8. Become more aggressive and hyperactive
9. Limping, or difficulty standing
10. There were body parts swell cat

If you find one of the above features mean that your cat was sick. Immediately consult a veterinarian.


Cat claw problems with tools

There is a cat behavior that often make us annoyed is clawing like home furnishings, causing scratches. Why it happens? the answer is in the article about our cat this time!

Like rodent behavior which undermined the very like a wall, the cat likes to scratch tool. Why is this done? because cats really need to sharpen their claws.

Do you know what causes the behavior of this cat?

Cat's claws never stop growing as well as human fingernails. But what to do when the They actually sharpen the claws (when the claw tool). Its main purpose is not to sharpen the claws, but to remove the outer layer of cat found on the claw.

Even so some people will naturally assume the cat is the problem, because when the They sharpen claws, automated tools will also be scratched or their carpets.

And usually the road taken is to cut the cat's paws.

I personally do not advocate for cutting cats claws, because it can eliminate the cat's own characteristics and also advance will eliminate the ability to survive from the cat.

Then how are we going to let the cat likes scratching or cutting tool is left? Hmm ... we'd better take the middle course

Adalalah way by creating special places that made cat scratch buffer at will. It means you let the cat clawing at your place so that tools are safe from the cat.

OK! then how to create a special place ... .. What was scratched with a way to make a cat cage. Of course not!

Look for places that do not have his tools (or at least a little). Hang the dirty socks may belong to you, brother, father, mother or whoever is important dirty. Hanging just over one full day before we send a cat claw. Sprinkle also catnip (spearmint preferred cats). Done ..

Right! Just needed a place empty and dirty socks just to make a special place pencakaran cat.

While the tools are often scratched or cat can be sown fresh lemon juice on top, wrap them or cover with aluminum foil. But if trouble just shut the door so the cat can not enter into the household utensils.


Danger cat grooming

Apparently cats in the house there is a risk of contracting some types of diseases. One of the most must be aware, when carrying toxoplasma disease. This is a parasite that lives in the intestines of cats. So potentially infecting parasites through cat feces.

Because the cat feces scattered around the house, so the parasite can also potentially spread around the surface of the ground, floor, and the yard of the house. Parasites are also attached to the hair, mouth, and the container used to eat cats. the areas that need to be aware!

Intestinal parasites in cats can also live in the human body. So we call an animal disease which can also in humans, or zoonoses. Adjacent to live with cats at risk of contracting this parasite. Calm down Of course not all cats carry this parasite. Only infected cats are a source of transmitting.

Not just a cat. Can also dogs, goats, cows, buffalo, or whatever animal infected with this parasite. Usually animals that graze. Goats and buffaloes to get it after eating contaminated grass this parasite. Carried by cat feces scattered cat feet onto the grass which was then eaten by goats or other grazing animals.

Parasites in the form that enters the body Kiste goat or a parasite-eating contaminated grass will grow in the flesh. So be careful eating goat meat, buffalo, or beef half-baked, if it turns out these animals suffer from toxoplasmosis.

For infants, the same risk with toxoplasma in adults. But later on the Eve, this parasite causes a problem when you were pregnant toxoplasma positive. Him diseased, from blood tests in the laboratory, toxoplasma positive exposure. Result in a pregnancy with toxoplasma disabled child in the womb, if not a dead child. So should not become pregnant once if positive toxoplasma.

There are other diseases brought by a cat, a worm disease. But no more dangerous than toxoplasma. How to prevent contagion, to maintain cleanliness. In addition to cleaning the home environment, as well as personal hygiene, especially hand washing rules. Parasites from around the house easily attached to the fingers of the hand. When you eat without washing their hands with soap to clean, then the transmission of Toxoplasma lasted through the fingers of this hand.

Most importantly keep the cleanliness


Ras Cats popular

Cats are creatures of the most beautiful in the world. They are the most loved pets in the household and the environment. Cats, also known as the domestic cat or a housecat to distinguish it from other cats and felids, is a small carnivorous mammal that is valued by humans for companionship and its ability to hunt vermin and pests of the household. Cats have been associated with humans for at least 9500 years, and currently the most popular cat in the world. when making the decision to have a pet, you first decide what kind you want. They're funny, kind, and is considered safe around children. Actually, cats are the easiest pets to own. Cats are perfect companions. They do not need a lot of owners. They just need to eat regularly. They also need shelter. is this some kind of cat cekidot ... ...
1. Persian cat

Persian is a cat with long hair that is marked with a round face and short muzzle. Universal ranked number one of the most popular type because it is very loving and loyal. One of the oldest race of cats, it takes its name from its original location, Persia (Iran). Recognized by the cat fancy since the late 19th century, was developed first by the British, and especially by American farmers after the Second World War. In Britain, it is called an artist or Persian classical music players. Although the Persians had a high price and need maintenance treatments every day, this is more than offset by the personality, but her hair can be a nightmare to maintain, sometimes growing up to 3 inches long! Persians require a comfortable environment to feel safe.
2. Siamese cat

Siamese is one of the first clearly recognized breeds of Oriental cat. Precise origin of the Siamese is unknown but believed to have come from Southeast Asia. Siamese breed standard of the Modern show an elegant, slim, stylish, flexible and muscular body. triangular-shaped head, with thin snout. Almond-shaped eyes and tilted. Short hair, shiny, soft, smooth, tight and adhered to the body. Siamese marked with a distinctive color scheme sharp. A Siamese cat always wants to be center of attention. They want to be noticed. Cats are very communicative, yowling in a hoarse voice for attention or just to talk to! They tend to be too noisy or cry a lot if you ignore it. They are slender and athletic with big ears. their fur is short and located close to their skin. They love to stroke, and very loyal and close to one person. They are very intelligent and loving ...
3. The Maine Coon cat

The Maine Coon accounted for a large bone structure, with a square body shape and body the long hair flowing. perberkembang breeding can be seen in various colors and are known for their intelligence. Maine Coons are one of the biggest races in the country. for male cats average weight of their body weight 12-18 pounds in females are usually 10-14. They're tough, gentle and loving with long hair but do not need much grooming as the Persian. kind of personality they will make them very safe with children. One will be a very loyal addition to the family.
4. Abyssinian cat
The Abyssinian is a type of pet cats with ticked coats is typical. There are many stories about its origins, often rolling in Egypt, but the actual origins are uncertain. The Abyssinian has become one of the most popular shorthair cat breeds in the United States. medium-length coat, dense, and soft to the touch. The Abyssinian has a coat that is not unusual enough to attract attention. Each hair has a primary color with three or four dark-colored ribbon, hair is a lighter color on the roots, and dark "ticking" of color at the tip. Abyssinians are very active, busy and funny, and they love people.
5. Ragdoll cat

The Ragdoll is one of the biggest race of cats with a solid body, frame and proportionately large feet. This cat breed with blue eyes and coat colorpoint different. This is a semi-artist cat big and muscular with hair that is soft and smooth. Developed by the controversial American breeder Ann Baker, who is best known as a docile and calm temperament and affectionate nature. The name "Ragdoll" is derived from the tendency of individuals from the original breeding stock limp and relax when picked up. They are very gentle, easy going and loving. They are perfect for any household. They were so tame that can be harmful to them is to go out of the house because they will not defend themselves if they attacked another animal.
6. The Exotic Cat

The Exotic Shorthair has a gentle and calm personality reminiscent of the Persians, but more alive than the long-haired ancestors. Want to know and love to play, the cat was friendly towards other cats and dogs. they rarely give voice meows. They do not like to be left alone, and needs the presence of the owner (Or sound or smell reminiscent of masters such as radio continues). They tend to show more affection and loyalty than most breeds and make excellent lap cats. they are calm and stable nature makes them ideal apartment cats for city dwellers. Nonetheless, Exotics retain some of the ancestors of the energetic spark of their American Shorthair and they are often capable mouse hunters. 

7. Savannah Cat 

Savannah is considered one of the larger races of domesticated cats. Pasture height and slim build gives the display size is greater than their actual weight. This cat is a cross between the serval and perkimpoian domestic cats. Savanna is generally compared with dogs in their loyalty, and they will follow their owners around the house like a dog. They also can be trained to walk on the rope, and even fetch. Savanna is reported as very social and friendly with new people and other cats and dogs, while others can run and hide or revert to hissing and growling when seeing a stranger. Exposure to other people and pets are most likely a key factor in the socialization process as the Savannah kitten grows. Savannah, do not have the temperament to be a problem associated with the base more timid cat and / or aggressive hybrid. Savannah is very curious, and have been known to get into all sorts of things. They often learn how to open doors and cabinets, Savannah is a cat who is not afraid of water and more people will play or even immerse themselves in water. Some owners even take a bath with their cats Savannah.

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